«Flash in the dark»
«Flash in the dark»
Bust issued by "Legion Miniatures"
Scale: 1\10
Painted with acryl
  • Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"

    Buen trabajo!!!

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    потрясающе, просто потрясающе.
    за неимением большего - золото

  • Andrey Miroshnichenko

    Отлично! Золото!

  • girlpainter57


  • Jakob VPLUS

    Fantastic effect

  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    sehr gute Farbauswahl - sehr schön gearbeitet und die Darstellung
      des Lichtes ist großartig !!!
                                        Gold von mir und Gratulation

  • Janna ‘Moo’

    Great atmosphere/ lighting

  • Patrik Ruzic

    Amazing paint job. Gold

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Great effect and very pictorial result.

  • Alessia Amitrano

    Lovely osl! Gold!

  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS


  • Tapio SalminenPLUS

    Just totally awesome work! Only criticism I might have is that the light on his forehead seems maybe a little bit too intense considering the location of the light source.

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great OSL - Gold

  • fabrizio1969PLUS


  • Brian Wilkinson

    Amazing work