Hy everyone. Here is Miss Celium, a new bust for my personal range, designed by the talented Mathilde Marlot specialy for Nautilus Miniatures. She had "carte blanche" even on the subject and she create this dryade caracter with her amazing pencil skills.
Hand sculpted with beesputty procreate and magic sculpt, It comes in 7 parts. It's available since today on my brand new website with 20% discount for site opening. Come take a look.


Hope you like her.
  • Eamon Connerty

    Very nice work!

  • Kilsh

    Gold for me!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Ma petite préférée. il va quand même falloir que je me décide à peindre mon exemplaire, que tu puisses la voir dans une prochaine expo ... ou sur le site :)