Hey. Hunty and his son are finished. It was a super cool adventure and thank you for the opportunity Lukáš Žaba. I decided to use a strong red ambiance balanced by green to show the blue parts that should attract attention. Their body is also a focus point and everywhere I added different textures. Sometimes more sketchy and sometimes more blended. Sometimes lines and sometimes small random dots. I like to play around with this concept and it's super interesting to see what you can achieve. I think that painting his eye like a human one was also interesting as the scale is big and it attracts a lot of attention by temperature and just a creepy aspect. That's why I also used red in the wrinkles around the eye and added a little more of them to make them look tired and gloomy. This all is supposed to tie in with that autumn atmosphere. I hope this works and you will like this one as it was a pleasure to experiment on this project.
Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Stunning work my friend!Mateusz Banaszkiewicz
Very cute & creepy at the same time! Love the textures & autumn feeling!RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
beautiful FUNGO!OrigalumPLUS
Great texture and color work! I like it a lot and here is my gold!ZABAART
Love this two guys!!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
great painting, goldgirlpainter57
Incredible work mateJohn Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Golden thru and thru!!!Archigrog
Wow, love love these two mushroomsDavidColwellPLUS
I am so happy to see your version of this! Can't wait for the high res on Patreon :DJakob V
Really really nice! I would love one too :)