This is the Daemon Prince from the Slave to Darkness army from Games Workshop. I painted this miniature in full nmm. The idea was to paint an osl cast from lava underneath the figure and a cooler (in color) osl from the top. The cooler color would give the metal a more desaturated brassy look. The objective with the wings was to try and make them look slightly translucent. So veins were added and some of the color of the wings was reflected in the top portion of the metal pieces.
  • Alexey Aguryanov


  • mushoo1990

    HI Mike - the wings are simply amazing. Please can I ask what colours you used from the dark to the brightest regions?
    Thank you in advance

    • Mike Hughes “@lordofminis”

      Np! AK colors - Violet red, carmine red, dead red and cadmium red. The veining was dine with a mix of violet red w a bit of dark blue that was left on my palette. You could use any dark blue for that. Hope that helps!