Cowboy Bebop Swordfish II
Cowboy Bebop Swordfish II
This is a very old model from Bandai. One of my favourite anime of all time! Hope you like it!
  • Tommie Soule

    I love Cowboy Beebop! and I love this!

    • danielpaf

      Thank you TommieSoule! I enjoyed building the swordfish

  • Matt DiPietro

    My favorite Anime! Your multi-tonal red and weathering is masterful.

    • danielpaf

      Thank you Matt for your comments. I used mostly Vallejo acrylics reds. saludos!!

  • Krzysztof "REDAV" Kobalczyk

    Very nice painting with a comic like twist, and I’m saying that not because I’m a big fan of Cowboy Beebop :D

    • danielpaf

      Glad you like it Krzysztof! It´s hard not to be a fan of good anime like Cowboy Bebop!

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS


    • danielpaf

      thank you John!