Eldenring inspired diorama in a frame.

A site of grace.

Work: basing, conversion, painting, concept art, art direction
Scale information: Miniature is 28mm byKarol Rudyk Art

Castle parts are by HonourGuard

In private collection.

Keep on happy painting!

You can follow my work here!
  • OrigalumPLUS

    Wow! So unusual and atmospheric. Gold, of course!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Many thanks! I am happy that it stands out!

  • Kyle Maitland

    Really loving this one Roman, very peaceful

  • girlpainter57


  • Atila KawautiPLUS

    Amazing work!

  • Francesco ThauPLUS


  • TimPLUS

    I love these scenes of yours and this is no exception! Gold and editors

  • Janna ‘Moo’

    Always a joy to see your work. Such well executed atmospheric scene.

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    Magic Roman !

  • CosmicJoke

    This is amazing, gold, of course!

  • Jakob VPLUS

    Love the scene. Editor’s from me

  • John Delamere

    Great work!

  • J Godfrey

    Stunning work as always! Gold!

  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Great Job! Gold!

  • Nuno Rodrigues

    Such a great collection! Inspired work! I wish we could showcase and see pieces like this in artistic environments, like museums and exhibitions.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Really happy you like it so much! I am thankful that you think like this of my work!