My latest work, this small scene in 54 mm made with parts from the NEMROD brand, and representing a French infantry soldier in Canada, accompanied by two Algonquin Indians. The tree was entirely made in scratch with the leaves glued one by one. Two birds have been added in this one, as well as a small squirrel to liven up this decor that I had a lot of fun making.
The set, figurines and decor, was painted with PA acrylic.

  • girlpainter57

    wow the setting really accentuates the clever grouping of figures the sun’s warmth on an autumn day observing some of my countrymen’s   beautiful work gold

    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Great thanks for vote and comments Girlpainter

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    très sympa ta scénette !
    un poil dommage que tes photos ne lui rendent pas justice.
    un trepied, un reflex d’occas et aumoins 2 heures afin de trouver la bonne profondeur de champ, le cadrage etc

    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Merci Marc. Hé oui, les photos ! Pour l’instant, je me concentre sur l’achat et l’emploi d’un aérographe. pour l’appareil photos, j’attends encore un peu !

  • Sergey Cheremshantsev

    Gold work!

  • fabrizio1969PLUS

    gold,love your composition

    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Great thanks Fabrizio. Happy you like it.

  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS


  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Great job! Gold!

  • Vladimir_Golubev

    Good composition! Gold!

  • Eugene Dravskikh

    Stunning!!! Only gold!

    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Hello Slayterjohn, very happy you like it ! Thanks for vote

  • Francesco ThauPLUS


  • Steve Garcia

    Lovely scene. Congrats!

  • EntrevonPLUS

    Beau travail Eric

  • Sandro Zinzeri

    Magnifique, j’aime beaucoup ! Gold !

  • WojciechBober72


  • Capoch

    Amazing scene! Gold

  • Evgeny Golubev

    Gold work!  Gold!