Andrea figures 54mm, painting with acrylics and oil, office completely scratch built
  • Lee Hebblethwaite (10 ball)

    Great scene, bravo!

  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS

    Great work !

  • Archontis Kitsios

    Incredible. One of the best boxed dioramas I have seen!! Gold!

  • TOM Gagel

    Thanks a lot. I´m happy that you like my work.

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    This is magnificent work!!

  • TOM Gagel

    Thank You John!

  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    Impressive !

  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    Tom, how did you gave light to the lamps ?

  • TOM Gagel

    Hi Theodoros,

    thanks a lot again. I gave light to the lamps with conductive paint. It´s from a german company for model railroads called Busch. I tied the cable of each lamb with a curved wire. At the wire I fixed the chain. Then I painted the wire and the chain with the conductive paint. I can send pictures, but for that I would need your email address. Kind regards TOM

  • pit rehmke

    seht schöne Arbeit, durch die vielen Detail erzählst Du eine lebendige Gedichte . Sehr gute Modellarbeit beim Office und der Beleuchtung.

  • TOM Gagel

    Pit, ich danke Dir

  • TOM Gagel

    Hello Roy, sorry for answeriung so late. No problem, but I need your email adress. Kind regards TOM

  • TOM Gagel

    sent pictures, you have got 5 e-mails with pictures