Recently my IPMS club has been talking about including a Gunpla category in our annual contest, as well as doing a "first kit you built" group build during our monthly meeting, so I decided to pick up a few Gundam kits. While not exactly the first kits I built when I was younger, I mostly built Gundam and other mecha kits in my late teens.
Additionally, I wanted to challenge myself to use mostly craft paints like I did way back in the 1990s, so the majority of this kit is painted in $1/bottle Walmart craft paints, with the exception of the metallic parts. Personally, I think crafts paints unfairly get a bad rap in the painting community but there are some paints I've used religiously for years (like 90% of my Bolt Action figures have AB Territorial Biege somewhere on them). Price shouldn't be the determining factor of quality, as I've run into several hobby paint brands that are quite bad.
While not a great kit, this was a fun build, completed over a span of about 5 days that whetted my appetite for more. Hope you enjoy it!
Atila KawautiPLUS
Nice work! I love SD Gundam Please I want to see more! ;DEmpireOfGhosts
Thanks! More Gundam soon....