Please let me present to you “Palace of Medusa” by Mindwork Studio from the painting of Patrick Jones
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    what a scene

    • Martin Payne

      thank you. i knew i wanted to paint it as soon as i saw it

  • TimPLUS

    The skin tones are incredible, colourful without looking like a like an explosion in a paint factory. You have absolutely nailed the artwork and that’s no mean feat. Gold and Editors .

    • Martin Payne

      oh wow, thank you for the praise.

  • Archigrog

    Love this skin!!

    • Martin Payne

      Thank you. Both were completely new styles for me. It was great to push myself

  • Steph.DPLUS

    Fantastique Martin, j’adore .... immense OR l’ami

    • Martin Payne

      Merci pour vos aimables paroles et votre vote

  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Das ist eine beeindruckende malerrische Leistung !
      Meine hohe Anerkennung .......................................Gratulation und Gold

    • Martin Payne

      Vielen Dank für Ihre freundlichen Worte und Ihre Stimme

  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    Absolutely perfect!
    It gets me into the spirit of the myth.

    • Martin Payne

      Thank you so much. Can’t take credit for the mood. That’s just me imitating the artist who created the painting

  • OrigalumPLUS

    Reminds Vallejo’s painting! Great!

    • Martin Payne

      Result. Job done for me then. Many thanks.

  • Gregory Gregory


  • Clive Jackson

    Very nice! Excellent interpretation! Gold!

    • Martin Payne

      Thank you very much.

  • Peter (Chilwd)

    nice job on this, love it!

    • Martin Payne

      Many thanks. I appreciate it

  • Artem Romanov

    Wow! Man that’s outstanding! Amazing skintones and light work, I love everything in this scene!

    • Martin Payne

      Thank you so much. It was a true pleasure to do

  • Alessia Amitrano

    Really great, gold!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    So beautifull ! Great gold

  • John Delamere


  • joseluiscabrera


  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS


  • Franky2PLUS
