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With this project, I decided that I will go all in and practice painting a more realistic face and I must say it was a very cool adventure. I took the time trying to show some additional details and just to portray this character in an interesting light. I have made a yellow/orange light frame around his head to show him in a more 3d way and also to balance it out I added just slight blue tones to the highlight. It was a nice experiment and now I must paint more such portrait busts as this is really fun. I hope you will like this one. <br />
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Cheers,<br />
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
He looks totally 2d. Awesome.Steph.DPLUS
Superbe, quel réalisme, fantastique ............. forcement or :):):)Erkka MarttioPLUS
Gold, no doubt. Incredible work.Junyan Zhang
I voted Gold! Great details and texture. It will be my pleasure if you could vote my projects.girlpainter57
golderic wolfsPLUS
Great, realky great ! GoldAlexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov
Gold!Marc MussatPLUS
brilliant ! gold and editor'sMagnus FagerbergPLUS
Stunning my friend!ohtek
Gold Master!!John Delamere
Nice work!joseluiscabrera
espectacular compañero. ORO un saludo