This is my effort to replicate the work of Kyuyong Eom on a miniature.
One of the biggest challenges was the lack of a physical copy. Color matching with a phone screen can be very tricky and even irritating.
Overall, I am happy with the result and have learned a lot.
I have included a side-by-side comparison of my model (with a slightly brighter exposure) with his digital painting.
I hope you also enjoy it.
Amazing work!David Powell
Breathtaking work (as always!). So inspiring!Vitaly Lapshin
Как живая, золото!Holger SchwarzPLUS
Das ist eine grandiose malerische Leistung ! .........Meine Achtung und GoldVille Nurmi
This is awesome work! Gold!Steph.DPLUS
Magnifique peinture, elle est plendide, Vote immense Or ...........horockx2
IncredibleMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
My hat off. You're the best.Jakob V
Yep incredibly well done to hit it this close.Stanislav Polskoi
Breathtaking work!John Delamere
Amazing!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Gold absolutelyDirk R.
Wow, wonderful painting ! Excellent soft colours and perfect light and shadow effects.Gus
Tremendo Oro!J Godfrey
Outstanding! Gold!Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Absolutely fantastic!Mariano del Olmo
Outstanding. Gold.Thanos_Zahos
Beautiful!"SCV Park" Yeong Min
Impressive. GOLDJohn Davis
When I see work of this calibre it really reinforces how far I'm behind. Absolutely superb work. It can only be a Gold.Archigrog
Stunning!!Atila KawautiPLUS
Wow! This is brutal!Milosh Meehan
Holy, wait what! This is incredible. Amazing works.Clive Jackson
Nice job! Gold!zturg
Absolutely stunning gold all the wayjoseluiscabrera
WWWOOWWW Amazing!! Gold. Where is the mark of figure? I need a copyMatteo Di DiomedePLUS
Gold! Out of this world!Stelios DemirasPLUS
Definitely GOLD!!!Peter (Chilwd)
Amazing work on this!Frédéric BISSEUX (MINOS)
Impressionnant !David_Todorov
This is stunning, did you do the sculpt, and is this figure available anywhereJacek_B
insane. awesome work. breathtaking. congratulations on that.