This is the first model I sculpted in 3D - Also painted by me.
I wanted to capture the horrible fate it would be to end your days as an Imperial servitor.
It's basically scuplted in a way I would enjoy painting.
Sculpted in zBrush.
Tutoring and feedback in zBrush: Tue Kaae.
Oliver SchümannPLUS
I like the shapes, good job!Coltau
Thank you so much! :)Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
great sculpt and paintingColtau
Thank you very much! :)Jakob V
Awesome work dude!Coltau
Mange tak Jakob :)vincenzo gambinoPLUS
gold :)Coltau
Thank you so much :)Alexey "Annaero" KrikunovPLUS
Very interesting sculpt and great painting!Coltau
Thank you Alexey! :)Roman LappatPLUS
It is a great bust and so well done. The paintjob fits too and I do like this a lot! No one should end like this! Is it possible to paint this bust too?Coltau
Thank you Roman - I will send you a PM regarding a copy of the model :)Eamon Connerty
Awesome work!joseluiscabrera