Ork Bust
This was the first bust I ever painted and as such was a lot of learning lessons. I have several more now as I thoroughly enjoyed it. I never used an airbrush at anytime on this bust as I wanted to conquer it solely with a brush since it was my first time.
  • Dandre Thomas

    Great ! Where do you get this ?

    • Alexander Akers

      It was a lucky find off of ebay after searching daily for several months. It’s one of the original Forge World busts back from the 90’s.

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    I just raised you to silver by voting gold..you deserve it

    • Alexander Akers

      Thank you for your kind phrases.  It always means a lot when people enjoy your work.

  • Sebastian "Simon Moon" Reschke

    Nice Paintjob ;)