
I want to show you a wonderful project that meant a lot to me and I have touching memories. I startet a children's fundraiser campaign with several artists - we asked children to draw us a picture so that we could transfer their ideas to miniatures with our interpretations.

It's Belana's chameleon. She is 12, autism.

Where did I get the idea for this fundraiser? I had a commission 2 years ago, I painted a miniature from a template that my client's children painted. It was such a nice project and I thought that you can make a fundraiser out of it. My motive: It is important to me as a professional artist to support charitable projects.
We raised a total of 1100€ with 7 participating artists. I am so proud and relieved that it was such a success.

About my project idea: It has been one of two projects for the camaign painted with UV inks. I integrated the colors into resin to create fluorescent water at night. I started painting with UV-reactive colors on canvas and I thought it might be a wunderful idea to use it for my miniature painting hobby, and thought it would be perfect for the fundraiser. I have made a video about this (Youtube)

All projects of this campaign: https://pin.it/3gHruYF

We all had a lot of fun and are happy to do a good thing with our creativity.

Aurélie Schick
  • Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov


  • Tommy Gunn

    Great looking chameleon

  • eric wolfsPLUS


  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Es ist gut und wertvoll , das Du und Ihr für Kinder daseid in einem gemeinsamen
    Projekt ! Ich wünsche Euch zusammen alles Gute und schöne !
    Die Farben sind extrem stark und insgesamt sehr Bildgewaltig .
      Tolle Leistung und von mir mit Freude Gold

  • Peter (Chilwd)

    what a great piece and amazing story to go with it, congratz to you m’am for the work and amazing idea!

  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    I like it!