Cats II
Work: basing, painting
28 mm / Mixed Media
In private collection.

Created this diorama on comission. It is a different version of my first piece "Cats I":

This was a wonderful comission to fullfil as I always love to work in greens and it is very play- and joyful to add little cats - doing their thing - to such a scene. I am grateful to be able to make someone happy with this recreation. Both dioramas are in private collection.

Keep on happy painting!

You can follow my work here!
  • Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov


  • John Delamere

    So cool!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Many thanks! Yes, something different I’d say :)

  • Eugene Dravskikh

    Very unusual and very…fresh I would say. It was really interesting to look at this work of art.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks a lot! Yes, fresh is always good! Many thanks for your kind words!

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    very original work !

  • Jonas_Braschoss

    Love all the little stories. Great Work Roman!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      What would be diorama building without stories? Thanks a lot!

  • Josh "Zozimus" Pattison

    I loved the first one, and I love this one!  I can feel the affection for the little critters :)

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Many thanks! I agree: I like both too :)

  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Great job! Gold!

  • Peter (Chilwd)

    as wonderfull and atmospheric as the first piece, love it!

  • Steph.DPLUS

    Très beau diaporama, je vote OR ...
    Une question qui je pense est valable pour beaucoup de monde ?
    N’est-il pas possible de virer un certain Benoit de “louvain” qui donne systématiquement à tous le monde des médailles de Bronze alors qu’il est hyper mauvais ?