I tried to work with a very limited palette here, mainly based around burnt umber, with blue for the shadows and some more saturated tones reserved for the birds.
I tried to work with a very limited palette here, mainly based around burnt umber, with blue for the shadows and some more saturated tones reserved for the birds.
Gold!Piotr Pieścik
Thanks!Vitaly Lapshin
ЗолотоPiotr Pieścik
Thanks!Eamon Connerty
As I said on fb, nice work!Piotr Pieścik
Thanks again!Holger SchwarzPLUS
Sehr Ausdrucksstarke und schöne Bemalung Piotr ! Meine Achtung und GoldPiotr Pieścik
Thank you!Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov
Gold!Piotr Pieścik
Thanks!Marc Revés
great job!Piotr Pieścik
Thanks!Luis UgartePLUS
Great job! Gold!Piotr Pieścik
Thanks!eric wolfsPLUS
goldPiotr Pieścik
The atmosphere is very warm and awesome. gold~Steph.DPLUS
Gold :):):)Lada "Gwinn" Indra
Love the muted colors and calm ambience!Alexey "Annaero" KrikunovPLUS
Saved to favorites, chosen colors and tones are beautiful!Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS