Hi All,
Finished a project that I have been working on the past 3 months and its definitely the longest I have worked on a bust project for. The model is Athena from Blackcrow Miniatures with an added owl from Galapagos Miniatures. As soon as I saw the owl I knew I had to add it to Athena to fit in with her lore and I think it compliments the model nicely.

Went for silver/gold nmm on the armour and red/white cloth work throughout. Really enjoyed painting this.

The most challenging part of this model was the shield for sure. The sheer size of it was quite difficult to try and get right. This was attempt number 4 on the shield and happy with how it turned out.

Wanted to push myself with this one and try and refine the last 5-10% of the miniature.

I would recommend painting this model if you get the chance as there is so much to learn with it.

Would like to thank Tim Marsh for the tuitions on this model and really getting to understand what is needed to get the last 5-10% done on the model to make it pop. Also thanks to all the Stonebeard crew and Sydney Display Painters Guild for all the support and feedback on the model as well.

Time for a new model!!
  • OrigalumPLUS

    Good work! On my taste I’d probably not pushing such accent on the part near bottom lip, because it makes and impression of showing some facial emotions that didn’t reflect on other parts of the face (at least near the nose wings and upper lip), but in my opinion it’s the only flaw that caught my eye.
    Anyway, it’s a great painting work and really impressive result!

  • Marc Revés

    Amazing! Omg the SHIELD!

  • Steven ZuleskiPLUS

    Great metal works!

  • Steph.DPLUS

    Or .....

  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Very nice! Gold!

  • Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS

    love the owl addition

  • ohtek

    I really like the soft atmosphere and owl details. gold~!

  • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

    She’s fabulous! Great job - your efforts paid off well :)

  • Tommy Gunn


  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Amazing ! All is perfect ! Vote Gold and favorite

  • Paraskeyas Marazakis

    Υπέροχο nmm βάψιμο. Πολύ όμορφη και προσεγμένη η δουλειά σου!

  • Clive Jackson

    Great job on this one! Love the addition of the owl and the reflections work really well! This one is in my ‘Grey Army’ too! Gold!

  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
