Although I've always really wanted this is the first dwarf I've painted. A fantastic figure from
  • Marc Revés

    interesting job, gold!

    • JossPla

      Thanks TommyShelby!

  • eric wolfs


    • JossPla

      Thanks Eric!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Sorry that I am not a gang member of the “gold on everything vote faction”. This is a solid paintjob on a beautiful dwarf with a solid base.The paintjob is well executed and has a warm harmony overall. Well done. The base is a bit boring, but ok and fits to the theme of the dwarf. For me it is a strong bronze, going to silver if the skin would have more variations, contrast and maybe some tattoos, the base maybe more points of interest due height difference and a photo from the back. No offense just my honest impression.

    • JossPla

      Thank you for your feedback Roman, the voices with positive criticism are appreciated

  • Luis Ugarte

    Great job! Gold!

    • JossPla

      Muchas gracias Luis!

  • ohtekPLUS

    cool~! gold!