This such an amazingly painted Marine. A little too smooth formy taste but nonetheless amazing work. My favouritr part is the face and the tiny Tyranid War Veteran freehand. Puh!! Nice! Gold and Editor's from me!
I really like the detail work in this; the freehand and that marble effect are nice touches. Your choice of blue and gold also work very nicely together :) A great Lieutenant.
Great job! Goldgirlpainter57
Top jobRoman LappatPLUS
This such an amazingly painted Marine. A little too smooth formy taste but nonetheless amazing work. My favouritr part is the face and the tiny Tyranid War Veteran freehand. Puh!! Nice! Gold and Editor's from me!Martin Collier
gold amazingChris B
I really like the detail work in this; the freehand and that marble effect are nice touches. Your choice of blue and gold also work very nicely together :) A great Lieutenant.