My version of this bust from Black Crow. It’s clearly Odin, but he gave me a wizard vibe. I wanted to place him somewhere green, a cold forest perhaps. Painted with acrylics: Kimera, scale artist and Vallejo.
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    A strong version of this amazing sculpt. I like every detail. Color choices are my favourite, but all the texture and effects plus the light and shadow work are really strong!

    • Nate CooperPLUS

      Thank you so much Roman.  Really appreciate your thoughtful feedback :)

  • OrigalumPLUS

    Very nice colors pick and pleasant performance! I like this Odin!

  • Steph.DPLUS

    GOLD ....

    • Nate CooperPLUS

      Thanks!  You voted silver though ;))

  • István "Lone Lemming" Németh

    Suggestive, I love it!

  • Fabio Ricci

    great one!

  • It’s Mi


  • Ladislav "Gwinn" Indra

    Love the light blue accent ligths, works great with the rest of the color scheme

  • Jesus Perez "MrRipper"

    I love this bust, I hope to paint it soon, it’s a great job, Gold for me

    • Nate CooperPLUS

      Thanks a lot, I appreciate it :)

  • Štěpán Tichý

    I love the green and earthy tones in this piece contrasting with the blue accent colours. What a paintjob!

  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS


  • Sandro Zinzeri

    Fantastique ! Gold !

    • Nate CooperPLUS

      Thank you!  Sorry I just saw your comment.  Happy New Year :)

  • Peter Lundström aka WitnessMyMinisPLUS

    its truly awesome, striking from a far and when watching closer it pays of ! well done

    • Nate CooperPLUS

      Hi, thanks so much.  I just saw your comment today (embarrassed emoji) :)

      I appreciate it!