"Those were days when the world was in hot and ruthless battles.
Armies of orcs were struggling with undead darkness and there was no seeing end for this eternal battle. Orc warriors were mighty, brave, fearless and proficient but armies of undead were countless.
Neither side could gain the upper hand, but one day a mysterious man, Bartolo, appeared in those lands. No one knew where he came from or who he was, but after a few days the war ended. The Three Kings - chiefs of the strongest orc clans went on their final voyage.
Voyage under the guidance of Bartolo."
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    • OrigalumPLUS

      Иван, благодарю! ))
  • Patrice-VincentPLUS

    Un gros travail, très bien réalisé, qui donne l'impression de voir bouger les fantômes et autres créatures invoquées. Ne manque plus que le son. Or, bien sûr.
    • OrigalumPLUS

      Merci Je suis très heureux d'avoir pu raconter l'histoire et que vous l'ayez aimé ! )
  • MarcPLUS

    Excellent !
  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Das ist schön schaurig , aber farblich exellent umgesetzt ! Meine Gratulation und Gold für dich mein Freund
    • OrigalumPLUS

      Vielen Dank! Ihre Worte sind wie immer voller Wärme und Aufrichtigkeit!
  • Eamon Connerty

    Great use of color! Gold!
  • Francesco ThauPLUS

    • OrigalumPLUS

      Thanks a lot, my friend!
  • Jesus Perez "MrRipper"

    Great Job, Gold !!
  • Maxim Manukovsky

    Очень круто! Занёс золото в кассу!))
    • OrigalumPLUS

      Благодарю, Максим! Очень приятно )
  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    • OrigalumPLUS

      Благодарю, Сергей!
  • Evgeny Golubev

    Круто, золото!
    • OrigalumPLUS

      Благодарю, Евгений!
  • Marc Revés

    A lot of hours of work!
    • OrigalumPLUS

      Thanks! Yes, it was a real challenge for me. Rootine, allergic attack and attempts to unite all elements to coherent scene made me doubting that I want to repeat it in a near future again :D
  • Bloodblade_miniatures

    Interest Story and Great work !! Gold !!!!
  • Gus

    Que colores!.Oro
  • Arronaks painters tale

    ухх какая паутина
    • OrigalumPLUS

      Благодарю! )
  • Denis Izotov

    Представляю, как ее круто в живую рассматривать!
    • OrigalumPLUS

      Благодарю! ) Я старался на детали не скупиться )
  • Stanislav_Musevich

    И детали, и общий план! Голд, однозначно!:)
    • OrigalumPLUS

      Благодарю! Для меня не очень привычный формат, но я старался )