Sculpture and design: Hugo Briones
I am very happy to introduce you to our new Masclans Miniatures release.
As a dedicated Martial Arts enthusiast and practitioner, creating a model that captures the essence of this world has been a dream come true. I would like to specially thank Hugo Gomez, also an MMA fanatic, who joined me on this exciting project to create a tribute to the fascinating MMA world.
eric wolfsPLUS
gold !!Roman LappatPLUS
Impressive, lovely and passionate work! I love his Front and his back! Gold and Editor's from my side. Happy Painting to you, Marc!Marc Revés
Espectacular com sempreDiego´Legendary´Painter
Como dije. Haces q parezca facil. Orogirlpainter57
wonderful painting skills love the black eyeFabrizio SchiragaPLUS
GoldHolger SchwarzPLUS
Dein Bemalungsstil ist unglaublich beeindruckend und für die Augen Zucker ! Meine GratulationMax RichieroPLUS
GreatJonatan Gil - Elinhir
Una figura que no deja indiferente. Estupendo trabajo Marc.