This was a bit of an experiment to create a diorama out of the cut-off bottom of a plinth I had lying around, so I wanted to do something very tall, but narrow and shallow, and keeping the middle open. I also wanted to see if I could draw enough focus onto the tiny figures sat at the bottom of the scene without leaving the rest of the diorama feeling empty.

I also wanted to keep the tone very chilled and quiet.

Dimensions not including the plinth are 250mm x 40mm x 18mm.

Apologies for the dark pics from behind - it's really hard to get the camera to pick up light in the rooms!
  • Christoph KPLUS

    • Fet Milner

      Thanks, Christoph!
  • Eamon Connerty

    Very cool piece!
  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    • Fet Milner

      Thanks, Sergey!
  • Alexey "Annaero" KrikunovPLUS

    Very interesting!
  • Patrik HurtigPLUS

    Very cool
    • Fet Milner

      Cheers, Patrik!
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Interesting and different. Like this a lot!
    • Fet Milner

      Thanks, Roman!
  • alphafourtwo

    Very interesting indeed. I love the creative work on this, and the painting is also great. If I may ask, did you see something prior that got you to search for a structure to build from (the plinth), or did you see the plinth and came out with the idea afterward? Genuinely curious. Well done!
    • Fet Milner

      The frame came first, and I had a bunch of ideas about what I could do with it, but I think this was the best one. I'll probably make a few more in a similar style to use the other ideas.
  • Kyle Maitland

    As discussed, I will be stealing this idea. That bathroom, pure art.