First try in 1/24. The whole project was one big playground for true metallics. I tried to use something I learned on Kirill Kanaev's masterclass. Turned out to be a bit dull, a red scabbard was not able to save things, but still I liked the final result.
Miniature by Altores Miniatures.
Paints used:
Vallejo Metal color
Vallejo Model color
Vallejo Inks
Paraskeyas Marazakis
This is a heavy matal situation! Gold!Sirelius
Thank you!alphafourtwo
Great looking armor. Not easy to do! Well done.Sirelius
Thank you.Roman LappatPLUS
I know it is so hard to photograph. It looks cool though and I like the model and your version a lot! Keep on happy painting!Sirelius
Thank you very much. I will certainly keep on.