First model of the year. I was trying to do something else but it didn't work so I gave up and just did him normaly. This is a bust from a Nocturna models kickstarter, but I got rid of all the texture on the clothes because I didn't like it. I still don't know how to paint hair and beards and it looks like that's not changing any time soon
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Lovely, well fitting harmonic color choices. I love how old and aged his skin looks with this dark tone. Lovely. Yeah, hair and beard. My suggestion would be to first paint large volumes and not think in single hair. First shape the large volumes and define them with shadow and midtones. Only when you work in highlights I try to paint single hair. Also I do not pull full contrast on hair like I would on NMM reflections. This could help a bit. Keep on happy painting!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    PS: Thumbs up for the subtle but lovely freehand work!

    • Petar Knezović

      Thanks for the suggestions and the compliment. I was actually going to do more freehands but I lost my precision brush halfway through the model. Maybe I’ll add some more when I’m done with Galadriel.