Panzerart's Teutonic knight. Polish-Teutonic War, Battle of Płowce 1331, 75 mm
  • Štěpán Tichý

    Very nice knight! The dynamic pose is enhanced by the sloped base. Good stuff!

    • RadekKotecki

      Thank you for the feedback!

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Excellent work, nice white achieved, good freehand and weathering all over, nice setting too. Top painting.

    • RadekKotecki

      Thank you for sharing your opinion. Acquiring my first white tunic proved to be quite a challenging experience. Therefore, I am particularly pleased to learn that it appears to be well-received.

  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    This Figure from Vladimir Sytchev is absolutly wonderful and your painting is very good ! The colores hamonie is super ! My best congrats and Gold for you

    • RadekKotecki

      Many thanks for your voice. I’m glad to hear, you like the effect. I agree the sculptor did a great job with this project.

  • Maxim Manukovsky

    Very good work, only GOLD!!

  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS


    • RadekKotecki

      Thank you, it’s a pleasure to hear it form YOU!

  • EntrevonPLUS

    belle pièce, Gold !

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    great work !

    • RadekKotecki

      I’m happy you like it!

  • Chris "Thor" B

    This is very nice, both the figure and the base. I like your work on the shield :)

    • RadekKotecki

      Thank you for the feedback!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Very realistic base and paintjob. I love the dirt and texture! Well done! Keep on happy painting!

    • RadekKotecki

      Nice to hear that. Thanks!

  • fabrizio1969PLUS


  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS

    great work