young miniatures
scale 1/10
  • Tommy Gunn

    Top class job.

    • youngin

      thank you!

  • John Davis

    I struggle to get my head around skin tones but your figure is like a masterclass. Gold.
    The wear on the helmet is beautifully rendered too!

    • youngin

      thank you !^^

  • Sven "svedia" Lange

    Gold! Impressive work!

    • youngin

      thank you!

  • Štěpán Tichý

    I really like all the subtle textures on the figure. Really well done showing how different materials can contrast without huge weathering. And I do not know, if it was the intention, but the eyes look as they are watering and showing great emotions.

    • youngin

      thank you so much ^^*

  • Archigrog


    • youngin

      thank you!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    gold !

    • youngin

      thank you!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Really beautiful paintjob! Keep on happy painting!

    • youngin

      thank you!^^

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Great work, I like his lost eyes, suggesting no hope.

    • youngin

      thank you so much!

  • Ildar "Ivy" Valishin

    beautiful stubble and pleasant muted colors

    • youngin

      thank you!^^

  • MartinSporka

    I like it overall especially the face, the wooden parts and the fabric texture!

    • youngin

      thank you!

  • Franky2PLUS


    • youngin

      thank you!