Hi guys! Here I leave you a couple of photos of the different views of this figure from the masclans_miniatures brand sculpted by hugo_gomez_briones. I did it in five days with private coaching from alfonso_giraldes_banshee .


¡Hola chicos! Aquí os dejo más fotos de las diferentes vistas de esta figura de la marca masclans_miniatures esculpida por hugo_gomez_briones. Lo hice en cinco días con el coaching privado de alfonso_giraldes_banshee .
  • Mrfoxx01

    Amazing work. I saw fiew of interpretation of that figure but Yours have really unique vibe.

  • OrigalumPLUS

    Coaching was definitely fruitful - the result is great! Vote gold

    • Wicktures

      Thank you so much!

  • Marc Revés

    Great work!!! Congrats

    • Wicktures

      Thanks mate!

  • Mateu_RebPLUS

    Gran trabajo!

    • Wicktures

      Muchas gracias!

  • Vitaly Lapshin


  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS

    beautiful painting, excellent complexion, I also really like the facial expression Gold

    • Wicktures

      Thanks! It was a little difficult for me to understand how to work the volumetry, but I think I did it pretty well with the Banshee coaching.

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Muy bueno. Me gustan mucho los claro oscuros combinados con efectos de luz fría en tonos azulados, el color de la piel en general, y el cinturón dorado.

    • Wicktures

      Muchas gracias!

  • Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov


  • Eamon Connerty


  • Roman LappatPLUS

    This is truely well done in so many aspects. The gold, the mouth, his eyes, the bounce light, the skintone, cast shadows. Amazing piece! Even his nipple is great work! I would love to see how you managed the back and the rimlight. How you connect it. I miss two more photos: One from the side and one from the back, but the front is awesome and gold! Keep on happy painting!

    • Wicktures

      Thank you very much Roman! It means a lot to me. The back part is unfinished, but as soon as I can I want to continue with this project as soon as possible.