Modelized with Blender3d.
Resin print 70mm.
Inspiration "Two Suns" from Waveloop - Ricardo Rodrigues.
  • Marc Revés

    very original!

  • MarcPLUS

    Excellent !

  • EntrevonPLUS

    Très original, Gold !

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Original et très sympa. Vote Or

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    I am a big fan of your work that is different! You got an original source of inspiration and mind. Thanks for that! Keep on happy painting!

  • Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS

    refreshing take on a scene with the back drop being more influential then the figure itself.  keep up the good work.

  • ohtek

    How can you make this doll look like this? Gold

  • fabrizio1969PLUS
