The Punisher
The Punisher
Painting this version of the Punisher (aka Frank Castle) presented a really interesting couple of challenges, as he's almost all black and white with some skintones visible. Whilst looking at him now I would have perhaps done some things differently, I'm nevertheless really pleased with how he turned out. I was also pleasantly surprised that I got a Silver in the Miniature Painting Open 2023 Single (Standard) category, which was a highly competitive category with many stand-out pieces.
  • OrigalumPLUS

    Good job in such scale!
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Being satisfied with an unfinished paintjob is always hard. Unfinished? Yeah, do not get me wrong. In a painter's eyes his own work is always unfinished and just abandoned for good. We all know the things we are unsure of, maybe left behind or think need more work. This does not mean that the audience, the viewers might think the same. Your punisher here for me does not feel unfinished. You have done really well with the many different blacks and its seperations. I really do like the face and the skin too. Lovely detail on the fingernails. Congratulations on your medal! What I sometimes do to have a wider variety when working with blacks: I try to work with colorful blacks (like a warm, cold, brown, even yellow) by just mixing in small amounts of color to it. Black is usually never black in the real world or in the punisher movie. It is always influanced by its environment in shadow and light. With this trick it is also easier to avoid painting dark grey instead of black. Keep on happy painting!
    • Benjamin W. Porter

      Thank y very much, Roman! That's very encouraging to hear. You're absolutely right about how as painters our perspective on a given piece is heavily skewed by how close we are to our work. Great advice re: the blacks. I did incorporate quite a bit of blue into some of the blacks here to add more interest, but I think you're right about how I should consider incorporating some other colours in future. Great advice.
  • Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov
