a Charles Agius' bust, for honour
I've tried to stay close to the 3D render for the main colors, dark blue, brown, copper ...
Hair is very well sculpted and easier to paint than other minis I've painted, well done Charles
I tried a thunderstorm marble effect on the base
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Lovely version of this great sculpt. Very harmonious color scheme and with the painting work on the base the viewer can really feel the wind! Keep on happy painting!

    • sk_drille

      thank you for your kind comment Roman

  • Petr Surenkov

    Wow, amazing!

    • sk_drille

      thanks Petr

  • Štěpán Tichý

    I adore what you did on the base and how you rendered a flowing river. That is amazing. The figure works very nicely and harmonically as well. I like the paintjob a lot!

    • sk_drille

      Thank you Stepan,
      the base was a first try at mixing paints directely on the base, with in some places a lot of water and pushing lines like it’s made for colored resin, and eventually placing some broken lines of lights

  • eric wolfsPLUS


    • sk_drille

      Thank you Eric for your another support of my work ;)

  • Marc Revés

    Nice version, congrats!!!