Carthaginian war elephant
Productor: Schmalkalder Zinnfiguren (Art.Nr.:KET 1)
Engraver: Karl-Werner Rieger
Designer: Andreas Gagelmann
Painted year: 2023
Size: 30mm (total figure is about 80mm)
Material: White metal
Note: painted only one side
  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Great work and very fine painting ! Gold for you

    • Archigrog

      Thank so much Holger!

  • Vitaly Lapshin


    • Archigrog

      Thanks Vitaly :-)

  • Francesco ThauPLUS

    super gold!

    • Archigrog

      Grazie Francesco :-))))

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Impressive flat. The fabrics, skin, metals and all with their shadows is superb! Wow! The longer you look the more you can see! Keep on happy painting!

    • Archigrog

      Thanks Roman! You must try one or if you have just painted one, please share it

  • Vladimir_Golubev


    • Archigrog

      Thanks Vladimir!

  • MarcPLUS

    Gold !

    • Archigrog

      Thanks, Marc! ☺️

  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS

    gran bel lavoro ... oro

    • Archigrog

      Grazie Vincenzo!

  • Mariano del Olmo

    Beautiful painting Archigrog! Gold!

    • Archigrog

      Thanks Mariano!