This is my interpretation of Forged Monkey's 'Knucklehead' bust. I have gone for Russian convict style tattoos (which, coincidentally is the same theme that Raffa went for on version).
It's all about the colour - I picked a grey which was quite neutral, and I also glazed over the top of all the flesh once the painting was done with various different colours to create nuance in the skin tones. I think that really helped pull it together.
I call that a blast, Peter. Very, very cool work on this guy! The only thing I personally miss between all that skin and tattoo glory are some old scars somewhere ... this would have made him even more nasty and grim ... Great job!
Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"
Amazing! how did you get the tats to blend so well with the skin? Normally they look too fresh or painted on.Peter 'Avicenna' Bell
It's all about the colour - I picked a grey which was quite neutral, and I also glazed over the top of all the flesh once the painting was done with various different colours to create nuance in the skin tones. I think that really helped pull it together.Luke 'atacam' Wilson
Fantastic work all over. I personally think this is your best piece to date. Of course those gorgeous tattoos help. :)Peter 'Avicenna' Bell
Thanks Luke :)Jason Zhou
Very nicely painted tattos and flesh tones which make him a really strong and tough guy :)Roman LappatPLUS
I call that a blast, Peter. Very, very cool work on this guy! The only thing I personally miss between all that skin and tattoo glory are some old scars somewhere ... this would have made him even more nasty and grim ... Great job!Peter 'Avicenna' Bell
I think you are probably right Roman - would add another dimension to the pieceFabrizio SchiragaPLUS
Really excelant work