Conversion of the GW AoS model Freeguild Cavalier into a Bretonnian Errant knight

  • OrigalumPLUS

    Good work. Nice colors and scene in general

  • Marc Revés

    Excellent work

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Really good conversion and paintjob. Everything is well in place. I really like the tabbard and the freehand works you have done. For me it does not feel cold like in winter. I do miss a drop of blue in everything you painted that would connect everyting in a cold environment. I see it a bit in the snow in the back of the model, what I like.

    One thing I do not like about the miniature itself (which is not on you) is the unnatural position on the horse, that goes worse if you position just a small amount too steep, leaning forward. If a horse goes downwards, the rider has to rebalance by leaning back or he would fall over. This a minor thing that confuses me!

    Nonetheless a really nice piece!
    Keep on happy painting!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      My favourite is absolutely the NMM and amazing freehand work!

    • Pablo Giménez Águila

      Thank you Roman. You can’t imagine how I appreciate your comments.
      About de original sculpt, I’ve even checked with other people It has a design or production failure and the rider doesn’t fit in the seat

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    vote Gold