Hi! I painted it a few years ago. Acrylic paints, effects of water and dust. The antenna was made from the best material of the world for this - cats whisker. Don't worry, no any cats was hurt. I find out a whiskers on the floor after a natural shedding ))
Roman LappatPLUS
You really captured that "dusty" desert look on the full project. Feels very realistic. Well done! Keep on happy painting!Ivan_Shcheglov
Thanks!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Отличный везеринг, позолотилIvan_Shcheglov
Vote Or pour toi :)Ivan_Shcheglov
L'ambiance post-app est bien restituée et le travail de peinture, avec ses nombreuses nuances, me semble plutôt bien réalisé. OrIvan_Shcheglov
Cool gold!