Hello again guys! Let me present to you Ana-el, the Angel of Love I painted for now running Aradia Kickstarter. Hope you will like my version
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    great job!

  • Bastien Dupont "El_Gwakamol"

    Majestic ! beatiful gold and pink wings !

  • Nate Boyles

    Love the range of warm and cool tones you put into the wings. Really bring the whole piece alive.

    • Ladislav MajerPLUS

      I am really glad you like that Nate! Hope you find some inspiration in it for your painting :)

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    She is a glowing beauty! All the bright and saturated colors suit her really well! I think there is a lot of light in your lightbox and the strong white backdrop suits her really well. I would love to see your paintjob also in a more natural environment, like on a table or in the cabinet or your hand close by to just see how natural the photo is. I sometimes find it hard to take such strong photos of saturated colors without overexposure. Please do not take this as an offense. I voted gold and she is truly lovely. I am just openly asking to see more :)

    Keep on happy painting!

    • Ladislav MajerPLUS

      I am really glad you like her Roman. To photos - I take photos with light grey background and then I removed the background and replace it with white. I am not adding non-existing saturation to my photos. Editing photos that way is, In my opinion, cheating the community. Happy painting! :)