“The Goblin Mercenary”, a bust of Spira mirabilis!
Sculpture by Lucas Pina Penichet.
And what a treat under the brushes with all these details!!!
I really had fun on this face of incredible finesse.
With TMP for metals... textures... "freehand"... and with the challenge of reproducing the cartographic outline of Brittany to illustrate on the adventure map stored in his backpack.
I hope you like the result?!
J'adore, vote Or pour toi David :)David BIECHY "SPEKTRA"
Merci Stéphane ! ;)Marc Revés
excellent job!!! congrats!!!David BIECHY "SPEKTRA"
Thanks Marc ! ;)Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov
Thanks Alexander !! :)Štěpán Tichý
What a lovely scheme on this piece! Everything is so lovely scratched it looks great! The map is great as well as the rat on the shield. Great piece!David BIECHY "SPEKTRA"
Thanks Stepan Yes, it was a pleasure to use my brushes on this incredible piece. I'm flattered that you like him.Alessandro Maniero Maiero
You made an excellent work on the metallics and the small, yet realistic, details (the map is bonkers!) But, imho, I would have placed more light on the face which "sinks" under the bright metallic lights and the tones of the cloth around the neck. This way this would have popped even more. Still, a great work!David BIECHY "SPEKTRA"
Thank you Alessandro! Yes, you're probably right, but I didn't want a neon or hyper-saturated face. But I thought about it after the photos... In full hand, however, it is different.Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Great!!!David BIECHY "SPEKTRA"
Thanks Magnus !! :)Marc MussatPLUS
belle réussite David !David BIECHY "SPEKTRA"
Merci Marc !! A bientôt ! :)Roman LappatPLUS
This is absolutely wonderful! Gold and Editor's choice from my side! Keep on happy painting!David BIECHY "SPEKTRA"
Thank's Roman !!