Ivar boneless
Bust 1:16 by Ferminiatures
  • Majesty

    Your work has interesting colors. It also uses a good light source

    • charly

      Thanks Majesty!

  • Tommy Gunn

    Awesome lighting effect.

    • charly

      Thanks tommy!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    I really enjoy the natural tones you worked into this paintjob. I like the warm light that hits his face and the NMM works nicely too. I think the only small issue is the readability for the beard and the fur in 2/3 of the areas. It works well in the areas where the warm light hits the beard. It gets lost and gets very blurry in the other parts. It is not easy to see where one thing begins or ends.

    I could imagine that you allow yourself to go even darker in the fur’s shadow parts even maybe adding a drop ob dark blue to your browns (that would also intensify the warm/cold light game) or to give the fur more variations in different hues, for example wolve fur or such. Nonetheless, really good work here! Keep on happy painting!

    • charly

      Thanks Roman
      I really appreciate your advice and criticism as the teacher that you are.