Today i want to share with you my latest stupid and crazy idea what i did for my eshop.
This Handsculpted miniature was a pure pleasure and creative moment so i hope you will like the result! :)
Miniature is available at
Wish you a colorful day,
Štěpán Tichý
I love that in Sir Waxly`s life there was a Saint Candle George who slayed the dragon in his world and now he can journey through the world on turneys and spread his glory. The freehand is insane and I`m so glad you finished it. amazing piece full of creativity and uniqueness, which is standing out in out hobby more and more. Perfection.CORB
Sujet très drôle Travail de sculpture et de peinture de haut niveau BravoMagnus FagerbergPLUS
Pheew, stunning my friend!Maiorov Stepan
Gold!Marc Revés
Epic!"SCV Park" Yeong Min
Great painting ~! GoldFrédéric BISSEUX (MINOS)
Quelle belle peinture et très bien exécutée ! J'adore !!! OrIstván "Lone Lemming" Németh
Amicitia nisi inter bonos esse non potest — Friendship cannot exist except between the good? Dimidium facti est coepisse — Well begun is half done? Gold, btw.Archigrog
Incredible painting, funny and charming subjecteric wolfsPLUS
Woaw !! Vote GoldRaTrPLUS
Amazing my friendBertrand Bloc'h (bbl_paint)
Pfouuuuu that's so smooth.. mind blowing!Duncan Weatherhead (donchadminis)
This is insane, such a jolly little guy and the paint job is exquisite, the freehand on the shield and the smooth blends are awesome.RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
Just wonderfulEduardo Fernandez
gold!! of course my friend!! a hugDabido
I love it mateJonas_Braschoss
Fantastic! Love itSuki Dong Hobby
That so cool modelRandall__Flagg
Gold!! I love the color choicesLukáš Hačko
Golf, gold gold it's fantastic Lukas.