Marc Masclans Miniatures
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    Great denim texture!
    • Suchac

      Thank you!
  • OrigalumPLUS

    Great denim and T-shirt! Feel the spirit of 70-80-th
    • Suchac

      Thank you!
  • Filgja

    Excellent T-shirt!
    • Suchac

      Thank you! The shark turned out to be quite the challenge!
  • Franky2PLUS

  • Tommy Gunn

    I had that t shirt when I was a kid! Great work.
  • Stanislav_Musevich

    Great work!
  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    Just great. Really nice bust. It transports the feeling of being on a concert or watching sports in bar.
  • mmasclans

    Thank you so much for painting her! Love the work that you did specially on the T-shirt and denim jacket. I hope that the video was instructive and entretaining. Best regards, :) Marc
    • Suchac

      Hi Marc, I'm absolutely thrilled to receive your feedback! Your kind words mean the world to me, especially coming from such a talented artist as yourself. I found the video not only instructive but also incredibly entertaining—it was a joy to follow along. Painting "The Joy" was a fantastic journey, and your guidance played a huge part in bringing her to life. The T-shirt and denim jacket were particularly fun challenges, and I'm glad they caught your eye. I eagerly look forward to any new miniatures you have in store. Your work continues to inspire and push the boundaries of what I thought possible with miniature painting. Here's hoping for many more opportunities to bring your creations to life! Best regards, Martin
  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Für mich ist es eine wirklich erstaunliche und auch beeindruckende malerische Leistung , die Du hier gefertigt hast ! Meinen Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Deiner sehenswerten Arbeit
    • Suchac

      Hi Holger, vielen Dank für deine Wertschätzung! Ich freue mich wirklich sehr über dein Lob. Danke!
  • Junyan Zhang

    Glod!It would be appreciated if you could vote my latest project and give some advices!
  • Steph.DPLUS

    Gold for you ;)
  • Patrice-VincentPLUS

    Veste en jean's, cheveux, bouteille, peau : tout est très bien peint. Or
    • Suchac

      Merci beaucoup!
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    Excellent painting !
    • Suchac

      thank you Marc!
  • ohtek

    There are so many good things. Gold
    • Suchac

      thank you!