I got this piece a year ago and took her to SMC in October as I'd set that as my target. After the event I regretted rushing to display her as in hindsight she really wasn't ready, and decided it was worth putting more time in to get her to a state I'd be happy with.

After spending that extra time making some changes and refining more I'm now happy she's where I wanted to get her when I started. She's now how I pictured her ending up in my head, so I'm glad I took the time to re-work her. It's also been an important lesson for myself not to rush just for the sake of an arbitrary deadline I've set myself - better to accept a piece won't be ready and take as much time as necessary.

The aim was to focus on the ambience with a cold light illuminating The Morrigan on her throne, with just a small area of warmth from the candles to offset that without being too prominent. I wanted her left and right to have a different feel as viewing angles and I hadn't really tried a cold main light source before so it was another new thing to work on.

She's been fun to paint but I'm now pleased to call her done :)