My second thought was: but sometimes there are tears of joy or relief and they look the same in the first moment. Also the gesture is similiar. So I decided that I want to buy one of these to "save" her. Mine will be crying tears of Joy in this World full of pain. At least one of them :)a little bit dramatic- I know.
And as I'm a little Nerd as some of you already might know somehow I remembered the quote from Lord of the Rings now placed on the Socket.
I will not say: Do not weep, for not all tears are an evil.
And here she is: Rosie (Sams Wife) in the soft light of a sunset in front of their house. I hope you could recognize the architecture of the shire in the background a little bit. Maybe at the time Sam returned from the grey havens, maybe on a different occasion-it's up to you.
So if you read this far: thank you
GoldJakob V
Love it - thanks for doing this :)Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS