Vaesen guardian of the Northern Woods
Vaesen guardian of the Northern Woods
Vaesen guardian of the Northern Woods
Vaesen guardian of the Northern Woods
Sir Reginald Hamptonshire Frederickson DeRolo Esquire the Third and his feathered mount, Nesbit, perched on a berry branch near the clearing where the humans had recently arrived. The Winter Queen had tasked Sir Reggie (his friends called him Reggie) with patrolling the Northern Woods. It wasn’t a terribly interesting assignment but Reggie proudly did his duty. Sure there was the time he broke up that gang of squirrels from stealing all the nuts, but the position was relatively uneventful. But now, there were these…humans. We’re the friend? Or foe? Reggie was thrilled at this development, a chance to be useful for his Queen. Mr. Nesbit however seemed less than thrilled to interrupt his snacking.

First figure I’ve finished in awhile. A modified version of the Fast and Furious by Blacksmith miniatures. Sculpted by Allan Carrasco and box art by Matthieu Roueche. Concept by Jean Baptiste Monge. Modified to include a worn wooden shield seen in Johan Egerkrans Vaesen art and to have a lance instead of a sword to add balance imho. A big thanks to my mentor, Ben Komets for his guidance with this piece. I hope you enjoy.