MiniNature 3D prints in 1:87 scale, in 3.5 liters of epoxy resin.
  • girlpainter57

    breathtaking superb
  • Max RichieroPLUS

    Great work
  • Steph.DPLUS

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Beautiful work, the focused light over the wales, and the water texture itself, give to the scene all the real effect needed. I especially like the the skin texture of the cetaceans. Top level work.
  • Štěpán Tichý

    Whoa, that much resin used must have been an experience! The first shot where we see the whales and the swimmer is superb. Great piece'
    • Adrian SmithPLUS

      Thank you Stepan! Indeed, my first time mixing and pouring this amount of resin. A bit exciting, because there is so much opportunity for screwing up… But you only live once, no pain, no gain,….etc. Cheers
  • Vitaly Lapshin

  • Manuel W

  • Jakob V

    Absolutely love it!
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    I absolutely love this! Gold and Editor's pick from my side! Keep on happy painting!
  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

  • Manuel W

    It's stunningly beautiful!! Gold! And I'm sure it's easier to maintain than an actual aquarium :P
  • Franky2PLUS

    Very impressive Gold
  • ohtek

    The water expression is amazing. Gold
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    I did'nt saw it. That's absolutely fabulous ! great Gold for you
  • Tommy Gunn

    I see it but I don’t believe it. Simply amazing.