The Milkwoman
The Milkwoman
The Milkwoman
The Milkwoman
great resin flat edited by centurion Miniatures
small tribute to Vermeer
Oil painted
these flats are great to paint occasionnally
  • SuchacPLUS

    This painting is a stunning example of the flat style, masterfully executed to create an illusion of depth and life on a two-dimensional plane!

    • Marc MussatPLUS

      thanks Martin
      that is what flat paiting is all about 2D /3D
      at first I found the idea a bit artificial, but once you get the hang of it !

  • Francesco ThauPLUS


  • giovannivassena

    Assolutamente stupendo Marc…Oro!!!

  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS

    bellissimo ... oro

  • Vitaly Lapshin


  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Sehr schöne natürliche historische Farben und Bemalung ! Wirklich Klasse

  • Franky2PLUS

    Centurion Miniatures, quelle magnifique occasion de s’inspirer des grands peintres! C’est le cas

  • ohtekPLUS

    Wow flat? Awesome!

  • Evgeny Golubev


  • Jakob VPLUS

    Awesome painting, Marc!

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Beautiful work!

  • Patrice-VincentPLUS

    Très très beau ce plat d’étain (et diablement joli “en vrai” - Montrouge, il y a une dizaine de jours). Je ne sais pas quelle médaille il a eu au concours mais moi je lui mets l’or.

  • Clive Jackson

    Great work Marc! Now where is that pearl earring? Gold!

  • Ildar "Ivy" Valishin

    Vermeer I see Vermeer - I press for gold

  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    Gold . Very nice subject.