Hey guys!

Long time no see over here :D

Here's my most recent work. I wasn't painting that much recently and felt like I have to do something nice for myself to get into the painting vibes for my commission work. So, using LH Craft's online competition as a motivation to finally paint this beautiful sculpt from them (always loved it!) I got this beautiful piece.

At first the plan was to keep the pink darker and closer to mellow magenta. Then I got Opera acrylic gouache from Holbein - it was sitting on my desk for days, looking at me with big hopeful eyes, so I had to use it D: And boom, the sky blew up with vibrancy.

During my Copenhagen workshop at Chromanaut Malte Baadsgaard was nice enough to break her antennae, then Andrew Wade motivated me with serious DO IT attitude to keep it like that and well, I pinned, reshaped and changed it and I'm very happy with the end effect. I'm always very grateful for breaking my miniatures, you never know what may come out of it (but if any of you ever see my painted miniature, please be carefulxD).

Hope you like her :)

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