Hello friends!
Let me present to you my latest work - diorama with young pilgrim looking for adventure on Mt.Turtle :)
I hope you will like it and have a nice day! :)

Pilgrim: https://bigchildcreatives.com/store/product/grail-pilgrim-75mm-2/
MtTurtle - Donko: https://www.zabaart.com/DONKO-d99.htm
  • OrigalumPLUS

    Very cool atmosphere! Great job!

  • Štěpán Tichý

    Beautiful story and atmosphere of your piece. I love all the little critters, they are very cute! One thing I cannot decide if I like or dislike is the glowing eye of the turtle! On one hand, it adds to the story of awakening the stone turtle from life, and it brings more contrast to the upper side of the piece. On the other hand, it takes from the pilgrim and add attention on the turtle :D Nevertheless, wonderful piece.

  • Lukáš Hačko

    one gold for your typical lacikovina’s :D:D

  • Mariano del Olmo

    Beautiful painting, Ladislav! Gold. Best,

  • TimPLUS

    Another amazing piece dude! Your use of colour is amazing!

    • Ladislav MajerPLUS

      Thank you very much Tim! Im realy Glad you like this ^_^

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Wow, super good, very impressive!

  • ohtekPLUS

    Wow…so cute!

  • MartinSporka

    Simply WOW! Beautiful concept a lot of things is happening there. I always wonder how fast you are able to build the scene and paint it:) Give me a clue what is the secret :)) M.

    • Ladislav MajerPLUS

      thank you very much my friend :) Secret is time pressure and lot of kids at home I guess :-D I do not have other options, only to be fast as possible :)

  • Archigrog

    Love your turtle!

  • Sito

    Super nice!! I have taken your paintjob as a reference for my current scene! Congratulation for the result!! GOLD

    • Ladislav MajerPLUS

      thank you very very much and fingers crossed for your project, enjoy it :))

  • George "Eraserhead" Betsos

    This is inspiring my friend. Cudos.