
This is my latest bust I've painted from Tartar Miniatures, inspired in Sergey's Popovichenko version.

Hope you like it and comments are welcome!

Kind regards,
  • Ildar "Ivy" Valishin

    Even before I read the description, I thought about Popovichenko’s influence. But Sergei would have covered the bust much thicker and bloodier. The bloodiest! More blood to the god of blood!!!

    • Capoch

      Haha yeah, I was afraid of ruining it with too much blood! There’s always room to add some more later anyways :)
      Less is more sometimes!

  • vincenzo gambino

    good ... gold

    • Capoch

      Thanks :)

  • Steven ZuleskiPLUS

    Awesome job on this bust, Capoch!  God!

    • Capoch

      Thank you Steven!

  • Steph.DPLUS

    Gold ;)

    • Capoch

      Thanks Steph!

  • Pablo Unamuno

    El trabajo sobre los metales está tremendo y la cara me encanta, felicitaciones, oro!

    • Capoch

      Muchas gracias Pablo!

  • OrigalumPLUS


    • Capoch

      Thanks Ori!

  • ohtek

    Impressive ! Gold

    • Capoch

      Thanks :)

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    Great work !

    • Capoch

      Many thanks Marc! Your painting is inspiring too!

  • Evgeny Golubev


    • Capoch

      Thanks Evgeny!

  • Franky2PLUS


    • Capoch

      Thank you Franky!

  • Archigrog

    Truly very well painted! Perhaps too blood for my opinion, but gold!

    • Capoch


  • Francesco ThauPLUS


    • Capoch

      Thank you Francesco!

  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Great my friend! Cool work!!!

    • Capoch

      Thank you Sergey! I’ve been learning a lot from your Patreon!

  • Duck of MounPLUS

    Très bien !