Finally recovered after the recent event which was Dogma48 Sydney!!

I have to admit that I wasn't totally organised for the event and it wasn't until the week of the event that I found some 3d prints (sorry don't know the sculptor) based on the new game Trench Crusade, and after having chats with @andybuckzart @timbopaints @stonebeardminiatures @benxlayton that I was inspired to make a little dio out of these minis in the grim dark setting.

Found it quite challenging as its not my usual painting style, but really wanted to have a go at painting grim dark as I grew up with all the awesome artwork that is 40k, mordheim and warhammer!

And to also add to the madness of Dogma48 thought it was a good idea to do a background for it haha

It was such an awesome event and really enjoyed hanging out and painting with all the guild members that attended. Particularly talking about everything painting related and not painting related haha

Still going with some competition pieces in the meantime! Onto the next project!!
  • OrigalumPLUS

    Impressive project.

  • Steph.DPLUS

    Gold ;)

  • TimPLUS

    Very cool mate, the muted palette really helps sell the Grim Darkness, sets off the Golden TMM very nicely as well.


  • FranNarváez


  • Roman LappatPLUS

    This is so different from your “typical” creations! I like it a lot and I enjoy to see you discovering new horizons and styles! Love it!

  • MarcPLUS

    Gold !

  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS


  • Chris "Thor" B

    The style of this is great :)